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This is a very clever puzzle platformer game with a neat little twist, cute characters and a whole bucketload of brain-mangling scenarios to negotiate!

Take control of Randy, a keen photographer who has a camera that does more than just take pictures. His camera can manipulate the very world around him, enabling him to reveal hidden platforms, open up hidden paths and grab and replace platforms to progress through his environment.

One of the biggest challenges with this platformer is that Randy can't jump, which means you have to carefully plan out how you're going to use the limited amount of film you have to solve all of the puzzles within a level!

This is one of the most genuinely unique and fun games I've played in a long time, and I really hope it hits the Kickstarter target because the dev deserves all of the love and recognition for putting this little gem together. Best of luck to them, and make sure you get this demo downloaded and played! =)