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Hi Vladis, I appreciate you taking the time to provide thoughtful feedback. Here are some thoughts, based on what you've provided:

- Slow Starting Movement: I think the key point here is that movement in the beginning is slow. 2x could be a solution, but I'd love to keep the movement scheme simple (i.e. just WASD). Though perhaps pushing "forward" would provide some sort of temp boost in the forward direction, and maybe a cooldown. I'll explore that option!

- Continuous Movement: I feel like this would change the vibe of the game a bit, but I'm curious how it would feel so I'll give it a go behind the scenes and test it out. I would also need to adjust where 'spawns' / 'drops go (right now they're on the grid). The grid based, time based movement comes with it's own challenges too, including weird timings sometimes when turning/moving.

- Adding Powerups: I think this is the next big push. Trying to figure out what powers would feel best, and would add variety / trade-offs. I'm open to ideas too!