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Good game! I did a video on it but I don't want to spam this comment section. A few comments:

1. The story was really good, I enjoyed a little bit of a darker take on things
2. The therapist was not realistic, no therapist would talk the way she does unless they were a terrible terrible therapist. This isn't really a big issue tho as it served as good exposition and a good atmosphere setting moment.
3. The jumpscares were a tad too predictable. For instance with the one in the bathroom, an even more effective way to do it would have been for nothing to appear in the bathroom, but when you close the door and turn around there was something there instead. Subvert the common expectations and add even more spookiness.
4. I genuinely do hope you continue to make video games. This game was good and you show a tremendous amount of potential. I hope the best for your upcoming works and shall be following closely.

Thanks for playing and sharing your suggestions for the game, as well as giving me very kind feedback. I do completely agree with your assessment. I wrote on the page that the game was supposed to be bigger and some aspects were cut off, like the therapist - they were supposed to have multiple sessions and yeah, didn't work out. I really loved the suggestion about the bathroom - maybe I can borrow that for my next game. Overall, I am super glad you enjoyed my game. Hope to bring something better next time. Best to you!