Hey there!, played the latest hotfix version of the game, but so far noticed a few small problems with the game.
#1: when you give gifts to the girls you can unlock different outfits for them to wear. when you leave the game and re-enter the outfits you unlocked get locked again, and you cannot select them again, even if the affection level is at lvl 10.
#2: i still can't make more than 4 heroes rank up, the game wont let me even if i have all the items needed to make them rank up
#3: when you try to build the sauna area the game wont let you, saying that i allready have it, but it will be locked.
#4: i think the 200 item cap is a bit harsh, as crafting can get too tedious having to cycle between the crafting area and then the shop area constantly to buy and craft items.
#5: when crafting or buying items, please let us chose how many items we want, having to click individually to buy 1, 2, 3 or 5 items can get tiring too xD
#6: this is more a question, how many heroes are in total in the game?, i have 13, but unsure if more were added on this version of the game
#7: the lady on the guild seems to be missing, the one that is sitting behind a desk when you are about to go on a quest / battle, unsure if it was intentional or not, but tought i should mention.
if i find more bugs i'll let you know, this is what i found on a quick playthrough yesterday :)