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What I appreciate most about this experience is how it brings forward what is usually an underlying theme of literature. Pain and how the ones around you experience it are otherworldly, what can seem normal to you is completely foreign to them. I like this little project because it uses a universal theme of mercy to make the player care enough to read through the text, rather than just clicking through them. Although the end result is graphic, this kind of compassion is necessary. What i really enjoyed as well was the dialogue acted as if an inner monologue each time i put a flower on the bird. We are all figuring out life, and most of the times it's better if we help each other! Awesome little game, the community needs more developers like you! 

P.S. i didn't use the rock until i ran out of flowers. Don't poke a suffering bird you jerks! 

yep, same, i kinda get the idea of the bird speaking as a clue as to what I'm gonna do. :(