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This is kinda cool! It was super not intuitive and did take me a while to figure out how to even play, but the mechanics underneath seem like the start of something. Usually when designing a game (especially for jams) it's easier for a player to understand simpler (and clearly communicated) mechanics. This is a whole artform so I'm not going to be delving into this, but it's something you can learn by watching a lot of gdc talks, make a lot of prototypes but most importantly playtest. Have someone play your game and sit by their side, silent, and just observe what they do. Maybe ask a question or two like "why did you put that building there?" or "why did you pick that card?". It's really just understanding how players think. When I make a game there is a lot of time spent on testing it and then doing things to "hint" players in the right direction. Or just in general make it easier for them to enjoy the game. For example, in this game, the toggling of the UI is confusing, and it would be simpler if it was just on the entire time. Or at least on by default. 

Again, I think you have a decent elevator pitch here "repair the defenses on your ship", but there is still a bit to go before it will feel good to play. That comes with a lot of experiementation. So keep at it! 


Hi there Whistpotion, Thank you so much for the detailed and useful constructive criticism. I know it takes some effort  just to type down your thoughts, specially for a random guy on the internet.
I agree, the mechanics aren't communicated well (if at all) and may be confusion with no directions from the game. I would love to have people test my games, but being so absolutely new to gameDev, I literally know no one who'd help out the way you metion, I hope to meet people along the way that do.

There are many things about the game that I'd do differently, including the UI and inventory mechanics, which as you said are completely unintuitive , but for this jam,  guess the game is what it is haha. Thanks again, I'll be checking your subission soon and good luck!


About finding playtesters, generally people around you are happy to help out. The best feedback you can get is from someone who don’t know anything about your game, and knows very little about games in general. That will really test your design abilities, and push you to create intuitive mechanics. Otherwise, I think it’s pretty possible to dig up my discord username for when you want a playtester :3