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(2 edits) (+1)

Okay, I’m not just bad. I confirmed it.

First, I want to take notice of some of the cool features you added. For one, the game’s settings save even after closing and returning to the game. For some reason, they only save after pressing the play button, instead of exiting the options menu, but meh.

You also managed to get the color of your weapon to change when appropriate. Very cool.

Obviously, the leaderboard too. I don’t know if it is global, but if it is, that is very cool!

…and also worrying. Why? Because I just got the world record (30 seconds)…by running.

The concept of the game (arcade 3D shooter) is a good mix of staples, really, but when you can get further in the game by running than actually trying to shoot, there is a fundamental problem. And, this time, the problem is the gun.

I want to emphasize that your game is much better than most people can make. As I said, the leaderboard and all that I mentioned before, but I do feel that some more time should have been put into the shooting part. As it is now, it’s a much more viable strategy to just forsake shooting and run around the arena (for the average player, I mean).

I got that world record on my first try after thinking of the running strategy after all.

Of course, as I said, the skeleton of this game is good. That’s why it can be drastically improved with just a few additions.

Suggestion 1: the gun should probably have a spread to it, and maybe shoot multiple projectiles at once. As it is, the enemies move too fast, and bunch up too much, for the straight aim to work. It would also give more juice to your game if there was a bit of visual randomness.

Suggestion 2: The enemies should be slower or more visually apparent. As it is, it’s hard to tell heads from tails from everything. That’s probably just a 1-bit thing, but limitations are limitations.

Suggestion 3: Maybe an exclamation mark on the side of the player’s screen closest to the nearest enemy out of view would work better. In my first playthrough, I got killed by something I didn’t know was even there.

Now, again, you did great! My world is not law and I’m merely giving a bit of feedback from my experience. When all is said and done, I thank you for sharing your game with us.


Thanks for the feedback! It should probably be specified better in the highscore menu that the leaderboard is local only and not global to save the confusion. Your suggestions have defiantly been noted though.