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(2 edits)

I like the concept of creating new platforms with the caveat that creating them takes your life force away. I also like that you can use extra life force to make platforms bigger if you want to risk that. I also really enjoyed the Mega Man X-esque wall jump mechanics. Having your health be shown by the character’s transparency was an interesting way to show health without a UI or health meter. The BSoD-style game over screen is also fun.

If I were to suggest anything, maybe a way to refill some of your health/transparency? Also, with the platforms, it was hard to tell which fading ones were solid or not. There would be some that would be faded a bit and I could still jump on, but other faded ones I would pass through. It would help to signal if they were still solid or not in some way. 

Overall, a neat platformer with a good idea and fun wall jump mechanics!