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I want to say a few things.

First off, the game exceeded my expectations immensely. Not saying I had low expectations, but seeing a not fully complete game with a female protagonist and humiliation and watersports content did make me come in with certain, unsavory expectations. I've seen way too many games that just ruin themselves by just overloading with non-censual/rape scenes that I could never enjoy games with these tags despite them being my main thing. What made me give this game a try was that I saw there was no rape tag and the MC in the images looked like she was genuinely enjoying herself.

I'm glad to say you made a new fan out of me. This is pretty much the only game I've found that caters towards my specific interests that doesn't add in unnecessary non-consent content which already makes me respect the game far more than 98% of the ones I've played. Also the story is genuinely engaging. Its standard and generic with a very moustache twirling antagonist, but that's all it needs to be and the game works with that really well. 

My only issues are the amount of bugs the game has and certain points that makes me remember that this game is still pretty much in beta. For instance, I'm pretty sure my perks/traits are bugged. I can't get the gloryhole stuff, and as a comment below me says, they also had the same problem. The Carol quest also either bugged or showed that not every option is complete, cause I did the blackmailing option but the game ended it as if I did the futa option by mentioning that Carol had a dick. Overall, these are nitpicks which I'm sure will be ironed out, but its still worthwhile mentioning them so the creator is aware. 

I'll probably do a second playthrough and hopefully thats not bugged so I can get the full traits/perks. I really want to shout at other developers to make content with these tags and not just have it be a rapefest, cause this was actually a really enjoyable experience cause I don't have to re-evaluate my morals any time a scene happens.