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Can't do anything except move camera around (which also buggy when cursor goes in and out of screen).

FF, Linux Mint.

What do you mean by "Can't do anything"? You can't enter the numbers of items? And also which platform do you use? Windows, Android or you play in browser?

No, I can't. As well as I can't move items.

Platform: FF, Linux Mint.

If you were able to click on buttons in game, so you must be able to move items too. I don't know why doesn't it work, but try to use other browser instead of FF, maybe it should work (if it isn't still, so the problem could be because of your OS)

I was not able to click buttons in game.


You said you can't move items, and now you can't click buttons. I noticed in your profile that you always write negative reviews on most browser games. And it always doesn't work for you

To be precice: I've not seen any buttons I can click.

Should I put 5star review if game does not work? :)

Wait, at first you said that you can't move items, then you couldn't click on buttons, and now you can't even see them. Do you have discord? We can contact and I wanna really see what happens on the game by your screen-showing. And if it's really true, I'll try to solve the problem. Do you agree?

I finally figured out how to move items: it's not by mouse cursor, but by dot in the middle of the screen T_T. Still no buttons though. My only problem now is camera control, which requires to Alt-Tab in and out of browser window.

I'm also getting this is browser console:

Failed to create agent because there is no valid NavMesh Lewd Cashier HTML.framework.js.gz:10:34712

Request for pointer lock was denied because Pointer Lock API is disabled by user preference. Lewd Cashier HTML.framework.js.gz:10:181325

Try to use full screen, if it's possible of course. Maybe some errors should be disappear after this, but I'm not sure