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This is good for your first game. Feedback:

  • The enemy sprite doesn't convey the idea that is moves
  • There is no feedback explaining why you can't go in the portals (they remain purple)
  • The game is missing sound effects and music
  • Its not obvious that you can't become small again, maybe if it was a one-use ability represented in the ui, it would then convey that idea?
(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, thank you so much for your feedback!

1) About the enemy - in general, it was conceived that it would be a surprise that he can move

2) Portals remain purple - I thought it doesn't need to be explained, the player will just understand that you can't go into the purple portal, but can go into the green one when he kills all the enemies

3) There is no music and sounds in the game - I agree this is a minus, the fact is that when I created the game I did not know how to add sounds to it

4) The ability to become big was conceived to be one-use, and I wanted to add an inscription to the interface that it is one-use, but I forgot:)