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Hi love this, mucking around with it and im wondering how the video call function works.

Was wondering if i could use a video file as the call??


to start a video call, simply do

`phone call "character" video`

the phone will then display a layer displayable, whose name is phone.config.video_call_layer.

all you need to do is show your video on said layer:

show my_vid onlayer phone_video_call 
phone call "character" video
"video is showing on the phone"


Deleted 198 days ago
Deleted 198 days ago
(1 edit)

show testvid onlayer video_call_layer

phone call "mc" video

"video is showing on the phone"

 phone end call

keep getting error:

File "game/script.rpy", line 3499: end of line expected.

 phone call "mc"  video

so tried this 

phone call ("mc" , video)

which fixed the error but now i get

File "game/script.rpy", line 3498, in script

show testvid onlayer video_call_layer

Exception: Trying to add something to non-existent layer 'video_call_layer'

i just know im either screwing up your coding or missing the obvious

please help

if you get a parsing error on the `phone call` statement, then it might be because you aren't using the latest version

also, the name of the layer isn't `video_call_layer`. it's the value of the phone config variable phone.config.video_call_layer, which defaults to `phone_video_call`.

Thankyou so much

Yep turns out i hadnt updated, what an idiot

Also i looked at that config and still put the wrong layer name... 

excellent work on this btw thanks for your help