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Sorry for the delay... I've been having little time to code and check on my messages =(

Ok... that is the behavior I expected. Reviewing my plugin's code, I think there may be a way to work around this without adding new code. It requires you to execute a few commands each time the class is changed, and you need to configure the alternate character sheets as new poses.

Let's say you have a sheet for the walking animation for Reid as a Knight (the default class), and another for Reid as a Mage. Setup a pose for each class (let's call them ReidKnight and ReidMage). Do the same for running and idle poses (ReidKnightDash, ReidKnightIdle, ReidMageDash, and ReidMageIdle).

Then, every time the character changes into the mage class call the plugin commands (or use script calls) to change the character default pose:

SetDefaultPose 1 ReidMage
SetDashPose 1 ReidMageDash
SetIdlePose 1 ReidMageIdle

The same when turning back into a knight:

SetDefaultPose 1 ReidKnight
SetDashPose 1 ReidKinghtDash
SetIdlePose 1 ReidKnightIdle

If you use the blinking feature, just have sheets for ReidKnight_blink and ReidMage_blink, for example, and be sure to set the blink pose with the %{char} tag (like %{char}_blink), so that the plugin will look for an image file according to the character file name.

I have not tested this though... I'll try to do it as soon as I'm able to, but if you manage to test it before please let me know the results!

no problem, I just have to mention that I have looked for other alternatives and stopped trying to make it work, at this point I don't think I can change what I have and reconfigure it, I hope that if someone has the same situation they can solve it better than me.

Thank you very much for the help

Sorry I wasn't able to respond sooner =/

Anyway... in case anyone else stumble into this thread looking for the same thing, I did run some tests and it should work fine. You just need to add another command right after those I described to actually start using the new default pose. So the complete set of commands would be like this:

SetDefaultPose 1 ReidKnight
SetDashPose 1 ReidKnightDash
SetIdlePose 1 ReidKnightIdle
SetPose 1 ReidKnight