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Hey! Thank you so much. It means a lot to me that you enjoyed my game. 

I would love to fix the bugs a bit and continue it in the future, especially when the book I took the story from (my best friend's book, I made this game for them) gets translated and published in English too. Unfortunately I don't have a specific time frame in mind, but in the future it will most likely happen.

For now I'm focusing on another project, an exploration game made in RPG Maker MV (a game engine I'm far more familiar with than the one I used for Roland Project - The Tainted). If you're interested in seeing more from me, stay tuned! It's a little early to know exactly when it will be out, but I'm doing my best. 

Thanks again for your video and your encouraging words!

Of course!

I look forward to seeing the the story continued in the future. I'll have to check out your friend's book when it gets translated, too! Even without a timeframe, I'm definitely excited at the prospect of more at some point ^-^

I love RPG Maker games. I'm following you on here now, so I look forward to getting the notification when that game goes up on your page eventually!

Keep up the good work 😄

Thank you so much!