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I tried them and was disappointed to find that they didn't work. Another question: how did you create these superb sets?. Thank you for responding so quickly and congratulations again for your work 💪💪💪

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huh! i tested the first option just now and it seems to work fine for me… i’m curious on how you tried it!

the first option is kind of a ‘will always work’ trick because it’s really just adding an audio file to a HTML file and that never really gets outdated (more info about that on w3schools’ website). if you don’t mind telling me how you tested it, i’d be happy to help you with it, either in this comment chain or email me (my email address is on my website).

i don’t really know what you mean by “sets”… is it the art/tiles? for most of it i’ve imported images i drew on aseprite through pixsy. i usually made a 128x128 pixel image and drew in it, then exported them as a png and used pixsy to convert them into bitsy rooms.