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Appreciate the info, I'll make sure to fix that error.
The thief enemies were not fully programmed for demo 2, so their CG's are just a bonus teaser more or less.  In the full game they'll spawn in after you fix the bridge,, along with all the enemies getting remixed.

when is the next update? also are the hj and fj scenes in the demo?

I plan to have an update out before the end of the month, but no specific date in mind yet as I'm still working on things I want to add.
I'll post a dev log with more details on what that will entail later today or tomorrow.
The FJ scene is not finished so it's not present, the HJ scene was SUPPOSED to be there and is technically present, however the trigger for it is out dated do to a last minute change, so I don't believe it can be properly accessed.  That'll be another thing fixed with the upcoming update.