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Nice gamejam entry!

I liked the short story. I can see the project was rushed to meet the deadline, with all the bugs and preliminary art.

I hope you come back to update this project in the future, to get it to a "finished" state, as it's a good story.

Good game!


Hello friend! Thank you so much for your time and attention.

Jonter and I are still working on making the project something we can truly be proud of. We don't have a great timeline on when it'll be out, but I will make an announcement when it's all improved. Shouldn't be before the New Year, certainly.

And 2 months later we've finally finished everything up. I hope this isn't aggressive marketing but I felt bad leaving this comment hanging for so long.


Ooooh! I'll give it another go as soon as I have some time.

Thank you for finishing the game!