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So the character feels very good to run around with, with a lot of speed, tall and easily adjustable jumps, and almost no momentum. It does make me wish that it was used for a more of a speedrun-focused game with tighter platforming challenges, rather than a puzzle platformer. For some reason, the shooting feels kinda delayed and only happens like half a second after you actually click. Also, it's hard to tell if you're doing damage to enemies at all. For those reasons, I found it a lot more fun to just run around the level and complete it as fast as possible than to stop and fight each enemy. The parallaxed background and foreground look really good, but I do wish there was a bit more music variety. The same song is used throughout the entire game, and it felt repetitive after a while.

Thank you! I handled the level design but don't have much experience with platforming. How would you make it more challenging? The issues you mentioned are sadly due to the time restraints, music especially.

My problem with the levels is not that they are not challenging enough, but that they feel incompatible with how the character controls. If I were to design these levels with the current character's movement in mind, I would probably get rid of the enemies altogether or just make them die in one hit. I would also get rid of the puzzles and replace them with pure platforming challenges. That's because I would want the game to focus on speed and precision rather than solving puzzles. If I had to make a character controller with these levels in mind, I would probably make the player character and enemies slower, and give the character smaller jumps. Don't take my word for it, cause I have no idea how these things would actually affect the game in practice. This is just my opinion, and I also have limited experience in designing platforming levels :)