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A very early version of the new work schedule screen:

A lot is still missing. The three windows at the bottom show nothing and a lot is still missing, but the general idea is here. You will select a day, then type of activity, then you will chose from a activity giver / activity type and then you will select a specific task. 

As you can see, I selected work, Suong and fixing traps job. The icons next to the day selected will quickly tell you what you scheduled, for example the day two is: Work (money bag icon), your employer is Billy (Icon shows his head), and the specific job is smithing related (the icon is a stack of ingots with roman "1", meaning it's a low tier job that raises your smithing skill). I will be showing more of this new system as I work on it, but you can already see that NPCs will have more kinds of job for you, even focusing on skills that are not direcly tied to their trade.