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Hey there, thanks for taking interest in Furthia Trails

the 35/50 packs are actually on the cheaper side considering normal animation prices tend to be in the $100+ range,

paying for a spot in Furthia Trails does 3 things.

1: You get the raw animation Gifs For your character. to be used wherever.
2: You make an appearance both in the game and in the credits
3: You get to completely decide what your character is doing!

It also financially helps the project.


I see that it's interesting so that means that I can create my character do quests with it and something else I see I see that it's interesting so if I understand correctly we make characters but in exchange you gain money money it's nice in any case I hope this project continues because at the moment the VNs are very boring^^


They are specifically NPC characters though.

MC will always be Liam

ok ok 0_0