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Wow that looks really simple to use ! Will it just be used for this kind of dungeon look or other style of levels?

The plan is for you to be able to use any of the game assets we create on the base game. So not only dungeons but also forests, desert, etc.
You can then populate them not only with items like the stones and barrels we showed here as an example but also with NPCs, quests, and all sorts of things. Pretty much the limit is your imagination and the game assets we create (yes all game assets are made in house)

Can we set the NPCs to do certain tasks for example, talk to them and they push a lever or something?

Yep. Funny enough this is something that our team is working on this week. Without spoiling very much I can tell you the architect mode has a separate section called interactions. These will be not just the NPCs but other items like doors, switches, etc.