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A member registered Oct 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nope we plan to keep updating the demo until the full release date

They will, but they will in the later game and in harder to reach areas

Fire pup power


lol. Yeah we made them in a way that what looks weak in one area is strong in another one. Lets you try out different strategies

Yep Groobeet is the chillest one

aw love you to Jowe

Welcome aboard

So do we. Thanks

Nice. Seems we are doing it the right way as nostalgic was one of our goals

Thanks for the feedback. always great to hear it specially when it is this positive

Thanks. We hope that we can reciprocate the love you guys have for our game.

Glad it has gone beyond your expectations. And yeah even with a short demo compared with the full game we decided to include lots of tiny details and secrets. Happy hunting for them ;)

For now, the plan is to have the demo only on Steam, But still some time before the full release so who knows?

Thanks. It has been a work of love and we are always happy to see players liking it.

Not yet. Glad you enjoyed it

Thanks for checking us out

Thanks. Personally, I have really been enjoying testing while we develop. Hope you guys can enjoy it too

Thanks. We try to give many sides to the game without going crazy and overdoing on features.

Hi there. Nope. They are meant to be a bragging right and for each player to have their own individual style.

Thanks, that was the angle we were aiming it to be. I can't wait to have this in the players' hands and see what great stuff you folks can create.

Yep. Funny enough this is something that our team is working on this week. Without spoiling very much I can tell you the architect mode has a separate section called interactions. These will be not just the NPCs but other items like doors, switches, etc.

The plan is for you to be able to use any of the game assets we create on the base game. So not only dungeons but also forests, desert, etc.
You can then populate them not only with items like the stones and barrels we showed here as an example but also with NPCs, quests, and all sorts of things. Pretty much the limit is your imagination and the game assets we create (yes all game assets are made in house)

Yeah, we are pretty excited to show it off. That is why we didn't even wait until we had a more polished version of it ;)

Valeria is the main city. You will be at it almost from the start of the game. There will be a small intro before getting to it and after that Valeria is pretty your central hub thanks to the Portal system

Not yet. But soon. We are still finalizing some of the balance of this system with the rest and hope to make it available in the test version

Maybe... I cannot confirm or deny at this moment to avoid spoilers ;)

Thanks. Yes we decided to go for that look. It might not be the final one as this is still a work in progress.
But always nice to see others enjoying our work.

Thanks for your interest.  We are indeed very proud of our pixel art for the game. We decided to make it all in-house instead of using pre-made assets and there are places where it really shines out even more than usual.

Thanks. We hope you can enjoy the next updates we will reveal as well

Glad you liked it

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They are! Both things.

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Hi there. Thanks for checking us out. Yep a demo is definitely in the works. Keep an eye out as we plan to make a couple of devlogs before it happens. 
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