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You tried. I know because I was there before. You remind of myself when I was starting JS game development since late 2021, I was a self-taught too, lots of mistakes done and lots of tutorials followed. If you are interested, the video tutorials I learned from are from these youtube channels: Frank's Laboratory, Chris Courses, and Drew Conley. From beginner-friendly to advanced tutorials. There are probably more tutorials now to guide you.
Keep practicing until you get comfortable to use JS, then try any game frameworks such as Phaser 3 JS to help you make a game easier and faster. It eliminates the need to code common parts of the game like rendering each image manually, etc. But if you have a computer, use game engines instead. It will be way easier and faster to develop a simple game.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

So, about the errors.
Erorr #1: Your image carorange.png throws Error 403. Meaning you probably got the wrong path to the image. But upon investigation, it turns out the image cannot be previewed or opened as image file because the real extension is .xml, the full file name is carorange.png.xml.
[ SOLUTION ]: Rename the file. Remove the .xml.

Error #2: You probably found a bug that happens randomly whenever you play the game. It was working before, but why error now?  Well, that is because of your random number generator where you attempt to make the unplanned event in the game like "ENGINE FAILURE", etc.
If we look at the console, it logs you have error at line 83:9 which is the ctx.fillRect()- or the code where you draw the orange background.
BUT! That code is fine. The error said maximum call stack reached, it suggests something somewhere in your code is calling the main() function infinitely. And that is where I found all your main() function calls within if statements of checking randomized numbers, which is also within main() function itself.
[ SOLUTION ]: To fix this, cut those blocks of if statement codes and put them on outer scope or within the function that is called when you clicked play button. Let the requestAnimationFrame(main) handles the looping for you.

Once again, thanks for coming to my TED talk. :P

Thanks for the advice it’s my first ever game jam and I’ve not been able to properly work on it because I’ve had school but I’m going to try and fix all the bugs and completely improve the game