Does this just happen randomly in a level? Or just when u enter a new level? Cuz there is a glitch where sounds arenbuggy when loading a new scenen and it just has to do woth the game engine and the web version.
I dont think so. But when i hold down L/R it does the loop glitch, and then when I jump it seems to work fine again. but now that I think about it, it does "reset" when ever i enter a new level.
very weird, never seen or heard of that before. Would be interesting to see how that actually looks and sounds like, uf you want you can share it on our discord on bug report if it even occurs and u happen to record it.
I would, but I don't have anything to record it, and even then I don't really know how. I know that this isn't helpful news to hear, and trust me that when I say that i wish I could share the issue in video for, I would. apologies.