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What a fantastic take on Dante's Inferno! This was a ton of fun to play through - I really like how individual actions had consequences, or were referred to later down the line. The music fit the mood very well, and using Stable Diffusion was a good choice to get the uncomfortable, otherworldly feel just right. The evolution of Bob and the twist of the gameshow were both a fantastic touch. Got four achievements on my first playthrough as a 1,345 year old named Snork (who was horribly bad at gambling), and intend to go back and get the rest later.

My only feedback is that a few of the UI features could be improved upon slightly. One example I have in my head is during the Gluttony segment, when you're cooking, I kept clicking on the dish to prepare, and was waiting for a popup to select the prep method, completely forgetting it was populated below the food items. Nothing that detracted too strongly - just small things.

Other than that, an excellent entry to this spooky jam!

Thank you for the great feedback! There's some bug making people age a ton that I haven't pinpointed yet, but I kinda don't mind THAT much since it's a weird surreal world. The cooking segment I definitely want to improve. I ended up making it fairly quickly after I got bogged down trying to make more complex mechanics and the UI there is one of the clunkier parts. Overall, I want to clean up the UI some more. CSS is flexible, but it can be pretty finnicky sometimes, so it definitely ended up a bit eh in parts :P

Again, thanks for the feedback!