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Accuracy and damage to weapon linked questions

A topic by SuzumeTaka created Nov 06, 2023 Views: 184 Replies: 3
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(1 edit)

On pg 24, the rules talk about accuracy vs evasion. It mentions that, with a roll of 36, having +1 accuracy isn't enough to hit the target, because 26, 36, and 46 all don't hit. However!  The frame's gun is at 35. 

Does this mean that either a) +1 accuracy can't move up or down, or b) that weapons aren't damaged like internals and systems of a mech?

For reference, it looks like the frame takes up 11 through 35, since it's the LN-VIGIL

Oh! Thanks for pointing this out. We switched out the example grid for that, but I think I forgot to edit the example text thoroughly. I’ll update it by tonight.

Gotcha! Thanks much (I'm assuming you could actually just move up and hit the gun?)

Yep, just goofed on the numbers. 36 could become 26, 46, or 35 (and the 35 would indeed hit).