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Thank you so much for playing and taking the time to provide me with such valuable feedback! o.o  Oh wow that is wild! Those are some really good bugs you caught there! ^^ haha - REALLY good ones, I shall check them out asap and, fortunately, it sounds like the most surprising ones should be the easiest to fix. The cow thing in the shadow realm is a bit tricky, I might have to think of a better 'puzzle' for this place... I was afraid the cow could 'break' easily, but I didn't invest much time in testing that scene. But the thing is, the place where the cow ends up ( without you speaking to her again) if you walk around that place, this is where the map's exit should be, on the path. 
Thank you for the praise but to be fair, I already had all the assets from previous attempts at the game / older versions .... : P This time I just thought let's make a version that actually has a beginning, middle and end.