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(1 edit)

thought the experience bar/half-orb/half-ring was missing health that I couldn't recover
the characters should have nice round butts

fighting animations look like rock-paper-scissors (which is funny)
I cannot unsee it now bro

> couldn't get the wand to work
I watched your vid, it's working as intended as a blunt weapon, but it has another use to give a boost of attack to your spell skills.

> Escape keeps throwing me out of fullscreen when I want to just pause
Yeah, the itch page Frame option - fullscreen button defaults [esc] to do that. You can press [O] to pause, then press [O] again to resume.

too many shortened words without enough explanation, like SpR I thought was spell resistance not SP(?)-regeneration?
I had abbreviate words to make words fit in menus else it would look like a mess of words.
Yes, SpR stands for Stamina Points Regeneration.

>I keep pressing escape to close windows (inventory, attribute window etc)
You can press again a menu's hotkey to close the menu. I don't know how override the default settings of Frame option - fullscreen button. 

only saw the ability tab at the end of my play session, still haven't quite figured out how to unlock any ability

> Overall the combat and movement could be faster, maybe 10-20%. Great foundation. Not sure why I got melted the first time around. Forgot I had to save.
I got a skill that buffs speed and if I adjust the base speed any further things get too ridiculous.

> .. there's decent amount of progression already, got me hooked a little.
> Nice foundation.
Thanks trying out my game, bro :D