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(Very impressive for someone who claims to not have much musical background.) As sporadic as it seems, there’s actually some melodic direction to the lead synth line. I think simply adding more accompaniment (bass, accompaniment chords, etc.) could really enhance the melody/overall composition.

Great spooky halloween-ish production (especially that vibrato effect on the lead synth).

(1 edit)

Thank you very much! Actually, I was in choir since middle school but I wasn't a very good student so I didn't learn much through it. 😅 No lie I didn't even understand what like a major chord was or how to make it. I have been studying music theory in my free time for the past year or so though through youtube videos. I think it has helped a lot.

Thank you for the advice, something that has been really hard for me is deciding when the amount of instruments is not enough / too much. I will definitely be looking to see how I can add more instruments to help the song.