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Very intriguing world you built here, the style alone is pretty interesting in and of itself. The audio, as well, definitely mixes amazingly with the vibe you're trying to achieve. Also the interactions and dialogue trees are fairly engaging throughout, though a bit on the long-winded side in some aspects, definitely can see where the point-and-click aspects shined.

One fairly minor 'bug' I ran into, knowing that this is definitely not wholly finished, was that when pressing Space to show interactables at very specific times made the top left menus pop up instead. I'm not entirely sure why this happens, but it happened randomly when exiting out of menus and quitting out of dialogue trees. Though, when interacting with dialogue trees again, it seemed to have fixed itself and would be able to press space to highlight stuff as intended without opening menus. Nothin' terribly broken and easily fixed but something to consider lookin' into.

In short, there's a pretty interesting game you've got here and would like to see it develop a bit more with the combination of its seemingly Point-and-Click origins with its new RPG elements down the line. Great job!


Thank you for playing!

There are a couple of known issues, but this one is something that I missed. Thanks for the catch!

The story-telling is definitely an important part of this game, and I enjoy creating it a lot :) It’s not the easiest task, as English isn’t my first language. Still a lot of pleasure and learning along the way. I probably need to keep non-essential things shorter; you are right. It’s too easy to get carried away when you write dialogs.

Regarding further development, the current plan is to allow travel on the global map, add combat and two more characters for the party.