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(1 edit) (-10)

Wait I paid $4.00 just to see there wasn't Android version I really wasn't looking at the versions so I guess that's my fault


You have to pay $5.00 for the android version...


No I am Not going to spend $5.00 and I want my money back


If you already paid $4 you might be able to just spend $1 now, but email itch support for refund requests, I can't do any of that myself. 


Well two bad for me that was all my virtual money


just email itch bro, its not very difficult. also it specifies how much is required for android, plan these things out before spending all your money. better money management will help you down the road.


You are all also easy to trick I was just mind games with you all


You are all also easy to trick I was just mind games with you all


your "mind games" suck and aren't mind games at all bro. But please do listen to my advice, whether it applies to you right now or not. its a good thing to keep in mind. managing your money well can really help you later on. idk how old you are, I'm going to assume either you're under 18 or not a good English speaker due to your poor grammar. But keep my advice in mind. Have a good day my guy.


I was bored so I thought why not post this I thought let's see how many people believe this


I was bored so I thought why not post this I thought let's see how many people believe this


"Shit i made myself look like a dumbass imma pretend it was all a trick"