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Defeated the tutorial.

Add physical boss-glasses as an expensive kickstarter reward when it's time for funding. 

Starting cutscene is cute and funny, the rest of them are also good. 

Threw a box at the roof and it travelled through it. 

Babby steps+ unlocked... I feel worried.  

I accidentally removed my good seals... I thought I was choosing them, that is what you get for not paying attention. 

Okay, that does not matter, they are safely stored in the categories. 

Babysteps+ filtered me hard my first run. Gotta be honest with you, as soon as the difficulty increased the time limit made my lack of skills apparent. Keep losing the runs. This could possibly be mitigated with the seals and the management options which increases time-bonuses but I think I might not be good enough for the harder stuff. 

Played until day 8 for now, I should have accepted that I am a regular baby and not a baby+.


Thank you for playing horbror.

I appreciate your fighting spirit, especially when you find the game very difficult. I will look into the crate interaction you reported.