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I gave this 5 well earned stars, and posted the following review. AS SOON AS I HAVE FUNDS TO SPARE I will do what I can to support this masterpiece...


I'm not sure where to start... this game is incredible on so many levels...

Humor - often unexpected, well timed, and heartfelt belly laughs... often and cleverly executed!

Characters - Deep, unique, lovable, and sexy... this game really delivers beautiful, intriguing women!

Plot- You'll be hard-pressed to find a story line that delivers as much mystery, intrigue, action, and genuine emotion... and lets not forget all the lewd...

Lewdness- it's not often it's done like this: classy with a touch of innocent exploration one minute, raw and powerfully passionate the next... fortunately only one hand is required to play...

Renders and artwork- Absolutely stunning!

Soundtrack- A lot of love went into the search for this amazing soundtrack... every one of the tunes seems to accentuate the story perfectly, adding to the already entrancing atmosphere!

 Overall- Play this, buy it, support the Dev... you won't regret it!

Thank you so much!! 😍