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1: Seems like it.

2: Turns out not just blood golems and ghouls. Looks like it happens to any party members that reach 0 HP. I had a Black Kalev repeatedly loop rampage on the final boss. I had my player character repeatedly loop an item use (had above 0 hp, tried using brown vial, enemy dropped my HP to 0, my player character was looping brown vial).

Oh, right. in the invincible mod, I commented out the lines for BP damage, cuz the reason I was using the mod in the first place was because I didn't like the dismembered arm/leg debuff mechanic. (but I still wanted some sense of a challenge). 

How do I tweak the mod to allow being afflicted by some debuffs, instead of just outright being immune to most or all debuffs?

2. So that means characters can still reach 0 HP even with the invincible mod ON? that sounds strange...
So to confirm, this basically happens in combat from getting hit?
As for your last question, you can comment out the number values inside the "const stateImmunities" in order to disable some of the immunities.
Generally speaking anything you want should be inside "Mod Parameters" section, there you can add/remove stuff to the invincibility mod as you see fit.

(3 edits)

1: Okay so I disabled the invincible mod and yeah, it was preventing the short cutscene of the character shooting up heroin. Did some testing and the code that blocks the debuffs was the debuff immunity code itself. 

2: As for the weird looping thing, I think I realized what I did wrong:  I added "//" to the code that turned HP damage taken to 0, as I still wanted to put healing items to use. HOWEVER, because I also didn't add "//" to the death status effect, my hypothesis is that whenever a character performs an action at 0 HP with the death immune line enabled, they're gonna keep looping that action. A certified script kiddie moment.

...Also I JUST realized that me doing all of that was rendered somewhat pointless, because the entire time I was playing, the items I was using were never consumed unless it was ammo being fired or currency being spent. Granted, I didn't know the "no skill usage" code also affected item use, but I played through an entire game without batting an eye at the flaw of my logic. Then again, resources are rather limited and I was doing everything I could on Day 1 morning...