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(2 edits)

Crashed again as I was fighting the same wolves, the ones close by to the skeletons and the grave. Crashes during mission debrief after the hunt as well. Sorry man, this is not playable at the moment. 

Hopefully you can fix it a bit soon, I am really excited to see how all of the gambit programming worked out. 


Would you be willing to run a version with debug for me?

Well, I did another 3 hours of play testing & regression testing yesterday and wasn't able to produce any bugs or crashes.

None the less, I have uploaded a (Windows) debug version in case anyone comes across a bug and wishes to screenshot the console.

(1 edit)

If I have any time during the week I will take the debug version for a spin, who knows, maybe it will turn out to be a problem on my end. 


No pressure, you are an artisan of well made feedback.

A good guest is welcome whenever he arrives, as the ancients say.