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Wow this feels BIG! I read your description while listening and it was really cool that the music seemed to line up exactly when I was reading about each section. The drone and hard percussion give this a march-like quality that feels like we are marching into battle. The wailing and creaking sounds add a ton to the creepy atmosphere and definitely give the evil vibe you were going for. The solo string and flute with the male voice chorus and wind sounds give a very ominous and foreboding sound which, to me, sounds like it would fit in a section immediately prior to a battle when the player lands in the fight area, but they haven’t yet encountered the boss. The last section feels like the battle itself and is a really great culmination of all that came before it. I wonder if increasing the tempo in the last section would add a little bit more adrenaline to the battle and get me, the listener, sweating a little more? You definitely nailed the evil theme for sure! And musically, you accomplished exactly what your description describes- great job! Great work and thank you for sharing!

Thank you for listening and your feedback!

I was a bit unsure how this would really fit a boss fight but after listening to some different tracks from Dark Souls I noticed many of them were focused on atmosphere, timbre, and mood instead of a more typical high energy-intense boss theme. For example, Moonlight Butterfly, Pinwheel and Bed of Chaos to me have a different vibe compared to something like Asylum Demon or Bell Gargoyles. Also, I think I went with a more DS 1 (Sakuraba) kind of vibe compared to DS 2/3 (Kitamura) vibe. Next time I'll for sure try to have a section that makes the listener sweat a bit more and a bit less march-like. One step at a time I guess :P