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I think this is very well-done, especially for having it be your first attempt at this. The melody is very well-written and is my favorite part of this track. The most Halloween-y part is the natural 7th scale degree as the penultimate note of your melody, I love it! I think as far as composition goes, you have an awesome song here, a suggestion that I have to maybe make it feel more like a boss battle theme is to add some energy with alternate instrument choices. The piano, harpsichord, and bells sound very sweet, which is maybe why your ears don’t hear it as a boss theme. Without changing the music at all, if I were approaching this piece to turn it into a high-energy song, I would take the piano left hand and put it in some sort of electric bass or bass synthesizer to give it a little more oomph. I would probably substitute the piano for a harpsichord, or a different type of piano with a less “clean” sound. Then substitute the harpsichord-doubled melody with a high synthesizer or a theremin sound. If you take the chords of the piece and put them in an organ as a pad instrument and then add more crash cymbals, I think that would transform this piece into what you are envisioning! That’s just my approach, there are many ways to do it though! Great work and thank you for sharing!