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It's a lot easier to get lots of heirlooms now; I started hitting level 60 a few days ago and I already have 38 of those, giving me +1.14 flesh/s. It's really pretty good and grows decently fast.

thats really not good no as you needs tons of flesh to counter the buff 


Perhaps this game just isn’t for you? Based on all of your comments it really doesn’t sound like a long-term idle game is what you’re looking for.

i enjoy the game over all just i feel its a bit to slow in gains at times

like why not have the flesh heirloom be  .1 

as it just makes a prestige take longer to recover from as is 

and why have cards be so random i can never pull anything good for duplicates or complete any sets  ive spent 100s of green gems on them and still keep failing to get anything worth it