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(3 edits) (+1)

Happy Halloween 2023! You can watch my video showing a look at the new (and larger) JSP Pumpkin that I carved this year below! Also, a trailer for the V0.2.5b revision update where the release date will be revealed is coming out soon, so be on the lookout for that as well!


hope my progess wont be reset when it updates, since i play on WebGL

Same bro that sometimes happens to me even when it didnt update


I'm not 100% sure why that happens sometimes, but maybe it has something to do with save data persistence (when trying to save/load from a json file) on the web version being different to how it works on other versions of the game, which could potentially be what causes save data to be reset sometimes after the release of an update.

If this is the case, I may just end up using a different method for saving/loading data on the browser version that would hopefully keep the data and not reset it after each update.


NICE! also you sound ill.