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Going to have to be blunt here, but you creating falsehoods over previous stated goals  and this level entitlement is seriously off-putting and I would let it slide, but it got to the point where I have been getting pokes from others that you are getting under their skin and I have had to stop working on multiple occasions to state which seems to be obvious for everyone except you and  I really don't get why you are trying to appeal to my laid back player base that has more realistic expectations. 

I have stated on many different occasions that I always prioritize releasing my game dev work at the end of the year and although I do try to release stuff during the spring and summer. It's never been a real issue from my small following so I have never prioritized it and focused on the long-term rather then generating clout.

I always appreciate someone giving an alterative viewpoint but enough is enough. Pettiness like this is the reason why I try to distance myself from some of the unhinged individuals you often find online. Take some time to cool down while I work on some stuff. 

I do appreciate everyone else being really cool about this update. I'm going to try to keep the Halloween release a manageable download size  since I don't want it bloated like it was last year. I also haven't made the mistake of burning myself out this year so expect a hotfix with the