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Thanks for this super fun game/synth. I have played with it for a couple of hours on the train and i had some bugs/problems until now. When i saved the patch and recall it (load) it is not complete. It is sayng 'discard changes' (cancel or confirm are the choices) i was sure i saved everything... Another bug is that if i am playing for a while the playdate crashes. Maybe to much at the same time running in the game? The patch is not that big... Another bug is that the cables sometimes not connect, but after removing the synth/sequencer and put it in the patch again it will connect as intended. Sometimes there are some 'loose cables' still visable... And another minor thing is that the clock is doing weird things when you want to change something in a synth, like a preset. Or sometimes out of the blue doing a swing a couple of ticks.  I dont mind that by the way....

I have a future request as well. A reverb. I tried somethinhg with the delay, but the delay will quickly escalate in terrible feedbacking...  

I think i will come up with more, but for now these were the major things i noticed. Other then that, I know this is some kind of first version. I am loving it by the way. So much fun!

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You’ve found some of the biggest bugs, they are in two areas:

  • Cable management; when you delete a module the module should inform all other connected modules so they can unplug the cable and set themselves back in a state to be connected again. This has to be done explicitly in code for each module, and there will be bugs in some but not others.
  • The other big task to finish is to make sure patch save works properly, each module should save with all the information needed to resurrect itself when it’s loaded from the file menu, there might be some bugs in that logic.

If you can isolate specifically which modules cause any issues I can fix them immediately, otherwise I just have to make and save patches until I break something, over and over (which I do! but I have my favourite modules and methods so might not see everything you do).

The good news as soon as these types of bugs are isloated they’re pretty easy to fix, it’s just a case of finding which module is at fault

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I got a screenshot of two loose cables. Patch is still working though. It is a mess for shure. The cable from the delay output and  Microsynth are loose and when i remove the synth it is still there. The sequencer has been reset to all C notes when i load my patch.

The second patch (i posted on Instagram yesterday) has reset all values of the sequencer as well after i saved it and loaded it again. All to D. It is the first note of the sequence i guess... Too bad the notes arent saved with the sequencer, or is it a bug. And there is even a some things missing. I am really sure i saved everything. But you said allready there were some bugs in it. The things that are missing are a minisequencer and a wavetable synth.

Good catch on the sequencer (all C’s, using the first note), that should be an easy fix - there’s a fromState and a toState method in all the modules to save and load them from a patch, one of the two isn’t parsing the notes in memory correctly - will get on it for the next Alpha.

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Basically if a module gets in a mess and cables aren’t behaving it’s unrecoverable, you need to restart: file > new. Or exit the app and restart if it’s really bad - painful I know, but state management is really complex!

And another minor thing is that the clock is doing weird things when you want to change something in a synth, like a preset. Or sometimes out of the blue doing a swing a couple of ticks. I dont mind that by the way….

We might have to live with this - it’s why I removed the BPM label that was in earlier versions of the clock module, the Playdate is single threaded and the processor is tiny - it’s working within these constraints that make it so much fun though. Originally I’d hoped to include a sync for the Pocket Operators but with the clock signal not being reliable it was too much effort.

Ah yeah, It is always a nice challenge to work with what is given. I like it when the clock is doing weird things. Reminds me not to make the patch to big .