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Hi there, I was looking for this kind of game (with a guild system and other stuff) for a long time until I finally decided to check out Then I found this game, and it's a really good game. I have some ideas about making RPG games, but I was just too lazy, but you gave me the courage to do it now.  Waiting for New Updates.


Aww thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

RPGMaker is a great engine if you just want to get straight to programming an RPG without having to touch actual code. If you want I can direct you to the tutorials I followed. Managed to learn 90% of what I needed to make this game in one week, believe it or not.

But have you already beaten it? It's already finished but I do plan on releasing more side content later on when I'm done with other projects. For now, if you want, you can try replaying the story and getting endings you didn't get, or finding secret side quests. (if you didn't do the Mappi and Huyuchi village quests, I highly recommend!)

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Thanks for the recommendation, but I have already been using Unity for more than three years and made  few games with it, but sadly, we haven't published any of them yet. But I'll check RPG maker too. 

Yeah, we beat it, but we cannot find the secret side quest (quest about the yusha, I guess). Can you give us a hint?

And were there multiple endings? I thought there was only one. We'll try to find them. BTW, it's a cool game. Do you know some other games like yours?

(1 edit) (+1)

Ohh then you're probably way more competent than me at making games xD Please let me know if you ever publish one tho!

The Yusha quest is tough. You need 4 diary pieces and can only find each in order, the last 2 pieces only available after the credits. The secret is to just retrace your steps carefully to revisit places you wouldn't normally. Good luck ;)

Also, sorry I should've been clearer. There's only one real ending to the game (plus a secret joke ending). By endings I meant to the quests, as a great deal of them have 2 endings (usually by completing it or failing, which is kind of the canon option since it's what I wrote the original novel as. Still left the option to win fights you're supposed to lose since I know some players would try tho xD)


No doubt, you are way better than me, as almost all the games I made were endless run-type games, and you have such great art skills too. By the way, me and my brother have some ideas about an RPG, but it may take time to finish. We'll let you know if we publish a game, for sure.

Thanks for the hint; we'll try to find them.

Yeah, you are absolutely right. We are going to beat that scammer guy too.


Ohhh good luck! That's another tough fight! xD

Well I don't believe a whole lot in talent. My game is far from perfect but I'm always listening to game reviews (nerd), and the story had the benefit of have already been written back in 2018 and gone through several iterations. If you know what you're doing, have a solid vision as to what the player should experience and do your best within your limitations (if you're not an artist, try simple pixelart, commission an artist or use free assets; if you're not a composer, get royalty free songs online etc.), I'm sure you can make a great game!

(Only now reread my previous reply and edited it. I must've been drunk. No way a sane person types like that lol)


Thanks for motivating me. It's really encouraging me to do the hard work. Any way, my twin brother will do the art work for the game, but he is a 3D modeler, not a pixel artist, and he told me he was going to ask you what tutorials you watched.

BTW, I didn't notice anything wrong with your reply.


Well, the tutorials I watched were for RPG Maker, so they'll probably only be useful if you end using it, but here's the playlist:

Been developing my next game on Game Maker Studio 2 but if you're already using Unity, it's probably best to just stick with it. From what I've seen , it's perfectly capable of making 2d games as well as 3d.

I'll use Unity to do my game. Thanks for motivating me.