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This was such a heartbreaking game. I truly enjoyed it.

The art was beautiful, and the visuals were delightfully gross and weird.
I had gone into it not quite knowing what to expect, and it ended up making me cry. 

It was truly a wonderful experience. I enjoyed having a chance to explore the increasingly unsettling apartment. It was interesting to uncover both the wrongness of the building, as well as get to know more about both Lera and Nika. By the end (even though I can't say either ending felt "good") it made me want to hope for both of their happiness.

I also greatly enjoyed the way that the True Ending was mostly left up to the player's imagination. It broke my heart further, and somehow gave me even more hope. 

You did a wonderful job with Flesh, Blood, & Concrete. I hope you decide to make more games in the future, but this is honestly a fantastic debut game!