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Wow, this was a lot! While it is a bit much for a jam game, I am impressed by how much you managed to cram into this game in just a month. It's all pretty well polished, too. I respect the multiple endings, it makes the game that much more interesting.

I enjoyed this game so thoroughly that I played all the way to the end (I got the "business partners" ending) despite it going well over the time limit. Nice entry!

Yeah... I know it's really over the time limit. Believe it or not, I thought cutting down the actual number of days to kill customers would keep it to an hour; you were originally supposed to get an entire week of customers before being railroaded into Hell. But when my own playthrough for three days went to around half an hour, I had to cut down on the number of days so the plot would be finished. I'm glad you decided to play through the entire game. :) Originally I planned for two endings, but then I realized that there might be people who only do a tiny bit of the main mechanic and would still be getting the best ending, so I thought "eh, a few more cutscenes won't hurt me" and used the endings to let the players know how well they did.