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I tried running your game on Linux with Wine but unfortunately couldn’t start it due to the following error:

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file. ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found.

Sorry about that!

On a side note, you can use a zip archive with the 7-Zip program to pack the file to make it smaller.

(1 edit)

Shoot, I'm sorry about that! I'll look into that and see if I can figure out why that's happening, I'm not 100% on why that one is.

I'll keep the ZIP archive in mind, that's a super good call on this.

Edit - I tried to export the version at the end of the jam for Linux, honestly not 100% sure if it works offhand. Theoretically should work but don't have a great way to test it at the moment.


Thank you for the Linux build, it definitely works!

I didn’t manage to get through the first boss, this is a bit hard genre for me, but it really looks like a very interesting experience, I’m amazed that you managed to do it all in a two weeks time!

The translation mechanic is pretty interesting and the music is great too. Thank you for this game!