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This game is so cute I wouldn't even kill the little ghosts :( Music and sound design are great, controls are smooth, everything is pretty polished, well done!

I see you're using Godot (nice), and Godot in web export always freezes a bit when loading particle effects. I suggest you make them all spawn once, hidden during a loading screen for example. The first 2 minutes of gameplay are kind of painful at the moment, due to constant freezing whenever you do something new!

One of my favourites so far!


Thank you! Aw theyre little devils though, get too close and they fly right at ya and take off some of your health! Haha 😅

Yes, this is my first in-browser game made with Godot! But I have had similar experiences with lag in Godot even for downloadable games (oh god, in my unfinished game Morning Never Comes I had a REAL issue with this), due to shader and particle compilation only upon it being seen by the camera. I did actually do as you suggested, however - just probably not for enough of the particles & materials if its still lagging! In the 1.1v build, the camera sees the magic projectile particles, the cottage smoke, steam particles from the pie and several other shadermaterials for a few moments before the  transition fades on and the camera pans over. 

No idea why its still being so laggy, though I really should of done the same thing with the particles and VFX sprite material that appears when you kill a ghostie, as that... *really* slows things down.

Btw - if youre interested, and have accees to a keyboard with an "Insert" key - try pressing that to see a "secret" debug mode ;-)