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Hey Introverted Zombie!

Took me a bit, but I finally escaped! Really great job on your entry -- there is a lot of interesting stuff at play here!

A couple notes after playing:

  • Like others have said, a shader for seeing which objects you can interact with will be extremely helpful! Totally not holding this one against your submission though since I know the time frame of the Jam makes it difficult to implement stuff like that! I ran into a similar issue with my game.
  • The AI is super cool! Some notes though... he walks around SO much. I don't mind that he patrols all the rooms, but he definitely tends to just circle for a bit and never stops. It can get pretty frustrating after a while if you are in a wardrobe and he is just going in circles endlessly around two room. It would be cool if he patrolled one area for a bit, stopped at a far end that is out of line of sight so the player can actually get places before he starts hunting again. Not a super huge deal though :) 
    • As a side note, I feel like there should be one more path that the player can take to loop around the map (maybe remove the stretcher?). Having to wait for the AI state to change or for him to go to another room so you can sneak to the next wardrobe got kind of annoying.
  • The default mix for music and sfx is a little out of whack and super loud, but you included the sliders so I was able to get a nice balance! 
  • I am not sure if this was just a browser thing, but for some reason if you look across the room with the bathtub and hole the long way performance massively drops. Maybe because of the fog cards and amount of assets? I have no idea honestly. Don't think it's me since I am on a 4090 and everything else is buttery smooth.

What I liked:

  • The switch in states of the music was awesome depending on how close the AI was to you. Really enjoyed that! (maybe as you polish further, a smoother ramp between the different states would be good. The changes were a bit abrupt)
  • The fact that you got an AI in here patrolling like that is massively impressive! Great job on that.
  • The puzzle loop was a ton of fun. Felt like an extremely stressful escape room! 
  • The environment and assets scattered around the map were really nice and all meshed together extremely well! Great job on that :D

Overall, fantastic job! Very excited to see where this game goes in the future :D


Thanks for playing and commenting. I have actually started working on a lot of this in my new prototype stage. Originally you would have been able to crawl under the stretcher but did not get the time to finish. I am working on my own music that I can blend between with some ease in and ease out to make it flush. Reworking the AI to be less buggy and more adaptable based on current states of enemy, player, and progress of the game. I will definitely look into the frame drops in that room.

Heck yeah! Well I am definitely looking forward to playing more :D Again, great job!