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made it far into the red area but eventually ran out of batteries.A clear goal would make this game more fun I think but it was still pretty spooky :)

Thank you for playing and the feedback.

Currently rooms are actually colored randomly, might have been a good idea to make them more red over the time.

Lore wise you are supposed to be in a dream world of a demon that you can only escape by waking up, which is when you survive until 6 am. So that is the objective 

While it came up that we might be able to do something like finding specific rooms where you have to perform specfic tasks, we wanted to revolve the game around finding batteries and that the lamp can stun or get rid of ghosts that block your way by activating the strong light mode which drains thr battery faster. Sadly that was overambitious for the gamejam but we want to expand on that. Maybe we can come up with short puzzles in the corridors that unlock the next room.

yes! A small barrier of some kind would let the player feel a lot of progression I think, even more if the game reloaded at the nearest start (or end) of sections