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(1 edit) (+2)

The update is great! I hope we get some good scenes with Annie in the near future. Can't wait for the gallery as well, because that optional scene at the end of day 2 is honestly way hotter than it has any right to be, lol.

Bug wise, there are a few I noticed. Euphy will still turn blue during the couch sex scene any day after day 2 and pausing the game will occasionally make the protagonist immobile. Though this only seems to happen if you pause the game while not interacting with something (i.e. the bed). I haven't encountered any bugs other than those so far.

Keep up the good work!

Edit: Relaunching the game seems to fix the blue sprite, I may have to test this more.


Thank you for the feedback! I'm hoping to get a part 2 out for Annie soon. But I'm surprised nobody has brought up Euphy's tail in the last sex scene yet lol... I'll be releasing a patch soon so it properly animates with the rest of her body, alongside a few other visual things.