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Hey SoulSelector & co!

Really fantastic game! I had a blast playing it and just kept going back to see how long I could last, but a silly goose killed me :')

A couple notes after playing:

  • I agree that the music needs to be turned down a bit in game. I absolutely loved it but it did kind of overlap with the narrator and make it hard to hear.
  • The bouncing is awesome but some sort of feedback,  maybe a power meter or directional arrow of the applied motion vector would be extremely helpful. There were times where I wasn't sure if I miss clicked and a jump didn't go far or if the game itself wasn't registering my movement

What I liked:

  • The music is awesome! I was jamming out in the main menu and then once I got into the actual game I was rocking tf out! Great job :D
  • The game is so silly and really pushes itself into being such a silly experience -- absolutely fantastic. I was having a blast while simultaneously freaking out that I was going to get obliterated into a puff of meat voxels.
  • The narrator voice was so good. I love the voice lines as well when you skip the story -- had me dying!

Very excited for this project to be continued because it is a ton of fun and has a ton of potential! Fantastic job.


Thanks so much for the comprehensive feedback. I am really pleased you 'got it'. I have a history of making games that are hard to get, so it was really nice to stumble on an idea that was easy to pick up. It's part of the danger in trying to come up with original game loops, that and having no idea how to pull them off and plan the time it might take. It tickled me that you said hello to the & co, I guess that's my kids who were forced into play testing so I could have a break. I shall make sure their reluctant work has been recognised.